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Tuisyen Matematik dan Matematik Tambahan ini terbuka untuk para pelajar darjah 1-6, tingkatan 1-3, tingkatan 4-5, yang sedang mengambil subjek UPSR, PMR dan SPM di sekitar Taman Molek, Johor Bahru, Pasir Gudang, Johor. Pelajar-pelajar yang mengulang subjek Matematik SPM, untuk kertas Matematik SPM ulangan Julai 2012 (paper July). Sekiranya anda bermasalah untuk mendapatkan individu yang boleh mengajar anda, anda boleh mendapatkan tutor home tution (tuisyen di rumah anda). Tutor mempunyai pengalaman lebih 11 tahun dalam bidang tuisyen di rumah dan di sekolah. Tutor memiliki Ijazah Sarjana Muda dalam bidang Pendidikan Matematik, Sains dan Komputer. Sila hubungi kami di Home Tuiton Johor Bahru (HP): NO. TELEFON

Monday, October 18, 2010

Home Tuition Johor Bahru - Personal Tuition

Even the best schools face enormous challenges in giving their pupils the levels of individual attention they need and deserve to fully develop their potential. This is why so many parents are taking active steps to support their children’s education through personal tuition, promoting the kind of positive experience of learning that builds confidence and motivation, and offers the greatest chance for academic success.
Home Tuition Johor Bahru
The attention of a personal tutor enables your children to make the most of every valuable opportunity to learn and develop their academic skills throughout their critical formative years – a time in their lives that provides for very few second chances.
Home Tuition Johor Bahru
For children who are working toward the best possible exam grades the path of a successful academic career is determined by optimising the study time available and being able to keep pace with the demands of the curriculum.
Home Tuition Johor Bahru
The extra focus and tailored attention of specialised one-to-one personal tuition can be the decisive factor that will make the difference to successful learning and good exam grades, ensuring that you or your child is able to gain the most benefit from their mainstream educational activities and fulfil their academic potential.
Home Tuition Johor Bahru
Moreover, the greater understanding and subject comprehension that comes from home or personal tutoring leads to a fuller and more rounded education, the springboard to a successful and fulfilling career in later life.
Home Tuition Johor Bahru
Home tutoring can open up your children to an enthusiastic and engaging relationship with the subjects studied, promoting the kind of positive learning experience that builds confidence and motivation.

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Glossary of Terms:
(1) Tuition - Tutelage, the act of tutoring or teaching a student (pupil); Fees paid for instruction (especially for higher education). In Malaysia, tuition is more popularly used to denote tutoring rather than fee. Common Malaysian misspellings: Tiution, Tution. *(BM): Tuisyen, Tiusyen, Tusyen, Tuisen, Tiusen, Tuisyan, Tiusyan, Tusyan. | (2) Home Tuition - Tutoring that takes place at students' or tutors' home as opposed to at tuition centers; Also: Home Tutoring, Private Tuition, Private Tutoring. *(BM): Tuisyen Di Rumah, Tuisyen Swasta. | (3) Personal Tuition - Tutoring on the basis of one tutor catering to one student. Also: Personal Tutoring, Individual Tuition, Individual Tutoring, One-to-one Tuition, 1-to-1 Tutoring, One-to-one Tutoring, 1-to-1 Tuition. *(BM): Tuisyen Peribadi, Tuisyen Persendirian, Tuisyen Perseorangan, Tuisyen Individu. | (4) Group Tuition - Tutoring on the basis of one tutor catering to several (small number, but more than one) students. Also: Small Group Tuition, Small Class Tuition, Group Tutoring, Small Group Tutoring, Small Class Tutoring. *(BM): Tuisyen Berkumpulan, Tuisyen Kumpulan Kecil, Tuisyen Kelas Kecil. | (5) Tutors - Tuition Teachers, persons who conduct tuition. In Malaysia, teacher is more popularly used to denote a school teacher whereas tutor usually means a non-school teacher. Also: Tiutors, Tuitors. *(BM): Guru Sekolah, Cikgu Sekolah, Pengajar Tuisyen, Guru Tuisyen, Cikgu Tuisyen. | (6) Home Tutors - Tutors who provide home tuition as opposed to those who teach at tuition centres. Also: Private Tutors, Personal Tutors, Individual Tutors, One-to-one Tutors, 1-to-1 Tutors, Group Tutors, Small Group Tutors, Private Teachers, Personal Teachers, Individual Teachers, One-to-one Teachers, 1-to-1 Teachers, Group Teachers, Small Group Teachers, Private Tuition Teachers, Personal Tuition Teachers, Individual Tuition Teachers, One-to-one Tuition Teachers, 1-to-1 Tuition Teachers, Group Tuition Teachers, Small Group Tuition Teachers. *(BM): Pengajar Di Rumah, Pengajar Swasta, Pengajar Peribadi, Pengajar Persendirian, Pengajar Perseorangan, Guru Di Rumah, Guru Swasta, Guru Peribadi, Guru Persendirian, Guru Perseorangan, Cikgu Di Rumah, Cikgu Swasta, Cikgu Peribadi, Cikgu Persendirian, Cikgu Perseorangan. | (7) Tuition Center - Private institution that conduct tuition on classroom-like settings. Also: Tuition Centres, Tutorial Centers, Tutorial Centres, Tuition Classes, Tutorial Classes, Tutoring Classes. *(BM): Pusat Tuisyen, Pusat Bimbingan, Pusat Tutorial, Kelas Tuisyen. | (8) Home Tuition Jobs - Home tuition vacancies; Posts to be filled by home tutors. Also: Private Tuition Jobs, Home Tutoring Jobs, Private Tutoring Jobs, Home Tuition Assignments, Private Tuition Assignments, Home Tutoring Assignments, Private Tutoring Assignments, Private Tuition Vacancies, Home Tutoring Vacancies, Private Tutoring Vacancies. *(BM): Jawatan Kosong Tuisyen, Pekerjaan Tuisyen, Kerja Tuisyen, Tugasan Tuisyen. | (9) Home Tutees - Home tuition students; Pupils receiving home tuition from home tutors. *(BM): Pelajar Tuisyen, Murid Tuisyen, Penuntut Tuisyen. | *(BM) denotes terms in Bahasa Melayu or Malay Language.